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FRP Flap Valve

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FRP Flap Valve

Check-stop valve ,according to material , there are cast iron check-stop valve, steel check-stop valve, FRP check- stop valve. According to shape, there are square,round, pontoon flat,flat flap check-stop valve.Check-stop valve installed at the end of the drain pipe , prevent the external water flowing back.

According to the material of the flap valve, it can be divided into FRP flap valve, Steel flap valve, Cast iron flap valve and HDPE flap valve.

Below is the data sheet of flap valve of different materials.

ItemFRP flap valveSteel flap valveCast iron flap valveHDPE flap valve
Tensile strength160-320 Mpa380 Mpa187 Mpa21 Mpa
Specific strength100-16848.525.522
specific gravity1.8-2.17.847.340.954
Corrosion resistanceResistNo ResistNo ResistResist
Maintain and replaceGeneral maintenance-freemake once corrosion prevention every yearmake once corrosion prevention every yearGeneral maintenance-free
Theftproof conditionWithout recycling valueeasy be stoleneasy be stoleneasy be stolen

Application Scope:

Check-stop valve is used in water conservancy engineering system, municipal sewage engineering, urban flood control and drainage, sewage treatment plant, hydropower station, water supply plant, fish pond and so on. Applicable medium: water, drinking water, river water, sea water , domestic and industrial sewage water.

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